Pardon Countdown 2008

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend Edition

1. Kenny Boy gonna get an early Christianismmas present
2. The Dukestir talks!!!! Way to pull the choke buddy
3. Rove
4. Hasert! No wonder why he doesn't want the FBI busting into Congressional offices
5. Abramoff
6. Delay
7. Michelle Rodriguez - extra time!
8. Novak
9. McCain's in the club!
10. and lest we forget: Rummy, Condi, Colin, Bremer, et al.....

Basically your normal collection of GOPers with the stench of corruption around them (except Michelle of course)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil...

The new mission statement for the NY Times, Washington Post, etc.... Those punks at USA Today haven't gotten on board yet. (In what reality did you ever think that USA Today would be one of our more investigative newpapers? Boggles the mind, but a very well earned "Kudos USA Today.")

1. Verizon, AT&T and BellSouth - if corporations are people then surely they can get pardoned (and quit calling me Shirley)
2. Scooter - Come on dude, talk already!
3. Abramoff
4. Rove
5. Tom DeLay
6. Dusty Foggo - sounds like a car care product...
7. Porter Goss
8. Richard Hatch - What?! Did you think they'd never notice you didn't pay your taxes??
9. The Duke is doing a fine job of omerta
10. Tony Snow - Tar baby?!? What the hell decade are these clowns living in?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Things are actually happening Reg!

1. Karl Rove - looks like T.B. is next on the list for Fitzpatrick
2. Scooter - shut him up before he squeals
3. The Duke is back! - The dukestir makes a grand reappearance
4. Porter Goss - Hookers at the Watergate?! Never during Nixon's time...
5. Kyle Foggo - never heard of him before now but he's making up the trifecta
6. Jack Abramoff - always lurking, never know when the caged bird will sing...
7. Rep. Bob Ney - Jack drags another down
8. Gen. Hayden - he's barely nominated and already he's linked w/ the Duke scandal...
9. Rumsfeld - how much longer before it's Turks vs. Kurds, Kurds/Sunni/Shites vs. Sunni/Shites/Kurds, Arab vs. non-Arab tribes, hell even the Zoroastrians have got to be warming up to kick somebody's ass...
10. everyone at FEMA, the political flunkies at NOAA/NASA et al... - don't think we've forgotten

As amusing as all this is the sad truth is that these bastards have compromised our nation's security with their political in-house cleanings and bribe money for government contracts and who knows whatelse they've managed to keep from seeing the light of day. Worse. Administration. Ever. Even Tiberius and Claudius were at least competent administrators.
Seriously Bush will undoubtably set a record for most pardons ever.