Pardon Countdown 2008

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Media

A quick primer on basic psychology: there are only two motivators for behavior - reward and punishment. Given that how do we get the media to consistantly and accurately report reality and how do we get them to change their behavior regarding spin and other petty memes (Pelosi D-San Francisco, Barack HUSSEIN OSAMA ...oops I'm mean Obama, etc...)? "Liberal media" has been screamed at them so long by the right wing they flinch like a beaten dog. Will it take 20 years of "right wing media?" to get a change? No, because the media willingly went along with advancing the "liberal media" idea, they'll never help advance the truth of what they really are. Boycotts? Even that won't bring change about, if losing money meant anything the Washingtom Times would've been gone long time ago. Money? Good old fashion payoffs? Might work, there's no law that says what a newspaper prints has to be true, it just has to be done without malice. "Sorry Senator about printing your emails...nothing personal, just business."
Brainstorm people...


  • who had "commutation of prison sentence" for Scooter?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:09 PM  

  • beat me too it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 PM  

  • :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 AM  

  • Gonzo's turn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:36 AM  

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