Pardon Countdown 2008

Thursday, November 09, 2006


So as we look back on a quite decicive put down (No Dem's lost their seat!) it's time to take stock in the consequences and to buy stock in paper shredder/electronic data destruction companies. So lets put the $$$ down on the flood o' pardons coming our way!

A number 1 baby!) Don Rumsfeld! Odds of a pardon: 1:1? No question? As sure as the sun rising in the east? Is the bear Catholic? Does it rain in Seattle? If you put down $1000 you'll win a penny???

2-10) everybody else :-)

But alas, the pardons I fear are a mere formality. Despite the Democratic Congress and probably 2008 Presidential victory no one will have the true gravitas to hold the real hearings and special prosecutors and all that. Yes yes, "national trauma" and all that but the simple fact is this: they manufactured an illegal invasion and sent thousands of people to a horrific end. There must be consequences. It's time for America to grow up.


  • Add the coin dealer in Ohio to the list

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:45 AM  

  • Pharoute, it won't happen until we can dump this two party system and the corporate owned politicians who have monopolized it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 PM  

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