Pardon Countdown 2008

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The "Jesus forgives me driving the Greatest Country Ever (tm) into the ground" Easter Edition.

1. Scooter Libby - Somebody pardon this guy to shut him up!
2. Veep Cheney - "It's not a leak, it's a very selective press conference."
3. Rumsfeld - it won't be long before an actual general that's not retired starts talking to the media.
4. Jack Abramoff - the iceberg to the GOP's Titanic ship of state.
5. Tom Delay - always lurking...
6. Ken Mehlman - "Mr. Mehlman, that guy from New Hampshire's on the line again."
7. Ann Coulter - "precinct schmecinct"
8. Naomi Cambell - Too late Naomi, Russell Crowe already perfected the "phone throw" thing
9. Rumsfeld again - worst. anything. ever.
10. Anybody at FEMA - "We're here to change your hearts and minds and if you don't we'll flood your city again... no.. wait wrong slogan."

Go to TMP Muckraker for all the good dirt.

oh and anonymous, I've been busy!


  • Scott McClellan... and it's looking like Snow here too :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 AM  

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