Pardon Countdown 2008

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Boys of Summer

1) Tom Delay
2) Karl Rove
3) Scooter Libby
4) Jack Abramoff
5) Andy Card
6) Condi Rice
7) Hank Williams Jr.
8) Everyone at Halliburton
9) Everyone at Exxon/Mobil/BP/etc....
10) Every middle aged man at DHS/NASA/etc... jeez where did they get all these creeps?!?

Well Tom "Le Marteau" DeLay is devoting more time to his Now this one is a shoe-in, the only question is how soon 'til Bush signs the paper... Karl and Scooter are still in plenty of hot water and Andy Card; you know something gonna come out soon. And of course to give a nice boost their stock portfolio a few of the administrations fave biznesses will get extra special bonae (i think technically it should be bonos: masc, plural, accusative)


  • sounds like Scooter might not be getting that pardon after all....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:24 PM  

  • or he could be "give me a pardon now or I sing like Clay Akins"

    By Blogger Pharoute, at 8:15 AM  

  • i see now: you post every 9-10 days, so a "weekly" blog eventually becomes bi-weekly, monthly, etc...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11 AM  

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