Pardon Countdown 2008

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Current projected winners

In order of desperation:

1. Scooter Libby
2. Jack Abramoff
3. Tom Delay
4. Duke Cunningham
5. Gale Norton
6. Ken Lay
7. Lil Kim
8. Claude Allen
9. anyone with the surname "Bush"
10. anyone who ever had a position in this administration.

Should be on the list but the odds of them ever being held accountable is nil.

1. Karl Rove
2. Vice-Prez Dick Cheney
3. Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld

Please be sure to add your favorites...


  • I'd put Skilling somewhere in the top 10

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:51 PM  

  • ah good one, I'll add him on

    By Blogger Pharoute, at 12:05 PM  

  • His kids, a couple of his brothers, some nephews, a niece. And his father. They can't keep those files secret *forever*

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:42 PM  

  • John Bolton, for things he WILL do....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:01 PM  

  • OT I notice that "Operation improve poll numbers" has begun. That's poll numbers in the U.S. as I'm pretty sure it isn't going to make us better liked in Iraq. Remind me again, why are we over there in the first place?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 AM  

  • Michael Bolton

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:30 AM  

  • Do you mean John Bolton, U.N. ambassador? If you really meant Michael Bolton, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:56 AM  

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